Should Christians Repent?

I know it is very important for Christians to repent. If Christians didn’t repent then they wouldn’t be Christians. Repentance is a crucial way to salvation. Repentance is the first step to the rebirth, a regeneration of the soul. When you repent, you’re saying that you’re are truly sorry for the sins you have committed. Repentance involves action. When you repent, that means you don’t go back to what you were doing. You don’t go against the ways of God but you follow and obey God’s commands. Luke 13:5 states “Unless you repent you likewise shall perish.” If Christians don’t repent, then they aren’t following in the ways of God. They aren’t truly sorry for the sins they’ve committed. God put us on this earth to follow in His commandments and teach others the way of God. Living a life of repentance means seeking Holy Spirit help and guidance through life. The Holy Spirit is a major asset to Christians. Whenever Christians sin, they feel conviction from the Holy Spirit to repent. A dangerous concept that many churches are accepting today is “once saved always saved”. They view that because Jesus dies for our sins, Christians don’t have to repent anymore. This means that Christians can continue to sin and get away with it because Jesus already forgave and dies for it. This is dangerous because the point of living the Christian life is turning toward God and not running from Him. Sin causes us to turn our hearts away from God. If Christians continued to sin without repentance, our hearts will be hardened to what God wants for us. It is important for Christians to repent, to inherit the kingdom of God, and to walk in the ways of righteousness. If Christians don’t repent, then there isn’t anything worth living for. Repentance is the only way to salvation and the only way to a healthy relationship with God. “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Matt 3:2).

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